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Title: Forgotten

Author: Cat Patrick

About the Author: Cat Patrick is a YA novelist best known for her debut novel "Forgotten". 

Other Books by This Author: Revived, Just Like Fate, The Originals

Awards: First Prize at Worcestershire Teen Book Awards

Series: Forgotten, Revived

Medium: Paperback

No. of Pages: 288

Original Publishing Year: 2011

Genre: YA Fictional Romance

Age Rating: 14+ a little mature content, but not a complex writing style

Stars: 3

Positive Review: I read this book a few years ago and decided to re-read it, having enjoyed it the first time. This book put me in a good mood. The romance was so sweet, I loved the relationship between Luke and London. Imagery is one thing I really like to see in novels, and this book had it. The settings were easy to imagine and the story was engaging; it held my interest and didn't drag. Foreshadowing was used well. Plot twists were hinted at in the foreshadowing, and their later revelation kept me hooked to the story. 

Negative Review: I was left with a few questions after finishing the novel, and actually had questions during my read. London can see the future, but as to why, that was never explained. She always remembers to write notes before bed and recognizes people, but if she supposedly forgets everything about her day, how does she do this? If she can recall her Mom and friends, why is Luke so easily forgotten? Considering she doesn't know much about him, she moves relatively quickly with Luke. 

Overall Review: It was a good book, a perfect light read on a rainy day. It's a simpler writing style than what I currently read, good for early teens, but there was a bit of mature content, mostly sexual. The ending was a cliff hanger, leaving me wanting more. The epilogue provided a good resolution that satisfied me, and originally I took it as an implication there was to be no sequel. Now I know there is a second book, "Revived", but I don't think I will read it, but maybe someday I will.

Summary: Every night when London Lane goes to sleep, she loses all recollection of the previous day at 4:33 am. She wakes up having forgotten yesterday, but with memories of tomorrow. To get through the day, London relies on notes and her friend, and everyday is just like the last, maybe. Luke Henry changes things, and for whatever reason, he never makes an appearance in her premonitions. London begins seeing awful visions, but is that really the future, or are those memories of a past she long forgot?

Forgotten (Cat Patrick)
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